ул. Гайдара, 1-Е, г. Черновцы, 58029, УКРАИНА тел.: (0372) 575-052 тел.: (0372) 272-862 моб.: (067) 372-11-10 Е-mail: td_tenzor@ukr.net Skype: td_tenzor |
ИДНМ4.020.00.00![]() Installation for the formation of radiation fluxes in the UV range(UV illuminator) ИДНM4.020.00.00Designed to obtain stable fluxes of UV radiation and is used for verification and calibration of radiometers.The installation is equipped with two turrets, which allows the use of additional light filters and their combinations.
Main technical featuresSpectral ranges:- integral radiation flux; - λ1 = (254±2) nm; - λ2 = (297±2) nm; - λ3 = (313±2) nm; - λ4 = (365±2) nm; - λ5 = (546±2) nm A set of light filters can be supplied separately from the unit. Energy illumination level: - not less than 100 mW/m2 for λ1, λ4, λ5; - not less than 10 mW/m2 for λ2, λ3; The unevenness of the energy illumination in the plane of the radiometric head (diameter 25 mm) - no more than ± 5%. Radiation flux instability - no more than ± 10%. The illuminator has a built-in control (reference) channel for monitoring the instability of the UV radiation flux. The reference channel voltmeter reading limits are from 0.1 to 199.9 units. The radiation flux level creates a signal in the reference channel of at least 100 units. Time of establishment of an operating mode no more than 30 min. Working mode: 30 minutes of continuous work - 15 minutes of a break. Power supply of the illuminator - voltage 220 V AC. Overall dimensions, no more than 300 × 280 × 175 mm. Illuminator weight, no more than 20 kg At the request of the customer, the installation for the formation of radiation fluxes in the UV range IDNM4.020.00.00 can be equipped with a working standard - a radiometric head in the UV range of the spectrum |