ул. Гайдара, 1-Е, г. Черновцы, 58029, УКРАИНА тел.: (0372) 575-052 тел.: (0372) 272-862 моб.: (067) 372-11-10 Е-mail: td_tenzor@ukr.net Skype: td_tenzor |
PHOTOMETER TENZOR-26M![]() PHOTOMETER TENZOR-26M Designed to measure the candel-powerof external lighting devices of road vehicles in accordance with DSTU 3649-97 and other point light sources.Ideal for measuring the luminous intensity of the external light sources of the car when passing the state. inspection.Specially calibrated for candela results at 3 and 5 meters.As a primary converter, a photodiode with a system of light filters is used that corrects the spectral sensitivity to the visibility curve of the eye Main technical characteristicsLight intensity measurement range - from 0.1 to 2x105 Cd Spectral range of the device - from 0.38 to 0.78 microns Limits of basic permissible relative error ± 7.5% Time to enter the operating mode - no more than 60 seconds. |