ул. Гайдара, 1-Е, г. Черновцы, 58029, УКРАИНА тел.: (0372) 575-052 тел.: (0372) 272-862 моб.: (067) 372-11-10 Е-mail: td_tenzor@ukr.net Skype: td_tenzor |
ТАП ТВ-26![]() TAП TV-26 wind tunnel of desktop type is intended for reproductions of speed of an air stream, is applied to calibration of sensors of speed of air of type: - thermoanemometric sensors of various designs; - pneumometric sensors, Pitot tubes, Venturi, etc .; - tachometric sensors with impeller operating elements; - air flow sensors. The composition of the product 1. The aerodynamic unit 1 2. Speed regulator TAП-TV-26 1 3. Manual of operation IDNM4.045.00.00KE 1 4. Thermoanemometer Testo 440 dp 1 5. Probe of the fume hood Testo 0635 1052 1 6. Pitot tube Testo 0635 2145 1 7. Micromanometer MKV-250 1 8. Spare parts set (SPARE) 1 Main technical characteristics1. The range of reproducible speeds from 0.15 m/s to 20.0 m/s2. Absolute error of air velocity determination taking into account the working means (V) not more than ± (0,04 + 0,15хV) m/s 3. The size of the working area is 180 mm x 160 mm x 200 mm 4. Zone of equal speeds (± 1.5%), not less than 140 x 120 mm 5. Coefficient of compression of an air stream, not less than 6:1 6. Type of wind tunnel - direct-flow, with a closed working area 7. Instability of the speed of the air blower, not more than 1% 8. Error of measurement of frequency of turns of the air blower, no more than 0,1% 9. The number of pulses of the sensor of the speed of the air blower, not less than 40 pulses/rev 10. Power, not more than 2000 watts 11. Supply voltage of alternating current 220 V ± 20 V 12. Insulation resistance, not less than 20 mOhm 13. Dimensions of the pipe, not more than 700 mm x 700 mm x 2300 mm 14. Dimensions of the control unit, not more than 135 mm x 180 mm x 300 mm 15. Weight of a pipe, no more than 70 kg TAП TV-26 has two fittings in the high and low pressure zone for connecting a micromanometer. |