ул. Гайдара, 1-Е, г. Черновцы, 58029, УКРАИНА тел.: (0372) 575-052 тел.: (0372) 272-862 моб.: (067) 372-11-10 Е-mail: td_tenzor@ukr.net Skype: td_tenzor |
ИДНМ4.023.000.000![]() Installation for measuring the specific luminous intensity coefficient of retroreflective materials ИДНМ4.023.000.000 Designed to determine the coefficient of luminous intensity of retroreflective materials.
Basic technical characteristicsThe main relative error in measuring illumination in the range from 10-5 lux to 2x103 lux is no more than ± 10%. The main relative error of illumination measurement in the range from 10 lux to 105 lux is no more than ± 5%. The specific luminous intensity coefficient is determined by calculation from measurements of illumination. The design of the installation provides measurement of the specific luminous intensity coefficient at viewing angles: 0º12′; 0º20′; 1º30′. |