ул. Гайдара, 1-Е, г. Черновцы, 58029, УКРАИНА тел.: (0372) 575-052 тел.: (0372) 272-862 моб.: (067) 372-11-10 Е-mail: td_tenzor@ukr.net Skype: td_tenzor |
Tenzor - АТ-25![]() Tenzor - AT-25 - a wind tunnel to reproduce the air flow in the range from 0.1 to 20 m/s.Tenzor - AT-25 is designed for calibration of hot-wire anemometers, mechanical anemometers, Pitot tubes and other airspeed sensors. Main technical characteristicsRange of reproducible speeds from 0.1 to 20 m/s; Flow stabilization error, no more than 1%; The size of the working area, no more than 150x150 mm; Power consumption, no more than 500 W; Wind tunnel of open type, dimensions, no more than 1.8x0.5x0.5m; Calibration method - comparison with a standard thermoanemometer (supplied separately). |